Allies to End & Prevent Genocide
Knowledge. Opinions. Preservation. Legislation. Punishment.
Preservation of Endangered Cultures & Re-Integration of Cultures to their Lands.
We are an international group that works to preserve culture and assist the victims of genocides and atrocities. We want to provide moral and financial aid to help these ethnic groups to help them rebuild both their cultures and the land from which the originated from.
What We Want
We want official recognition of genocides by all civic authorities and governments of the world. We want these genocides to be officially recognized as crimes against humanity and wish to levy a special “Genocide Tax” on perpetrator nations. The purpose of this tax is to support the preservation of cultures damaged by genocide.
It is time to make a change. We must do it together.
We have a long track record of wide-reaching effects.
News & Opinions
”I say to all those leaders, do not look the other way. Do not hesitate… It is within your power to avoid a genocide of humanity.
Nelson Mandela